Different creativity playgrounds. Use social media apps for creative development

Social media platforms are more than just places for mindless scrolling. When used safely and sensibly, they can become dynamic playgrounds for your child to explore their creativity. From photo-sharing to short video apps, each platform offers unique features that can nurture your child’s creative skills in different ways. Let’s delve into how you can … More Different creativity playgrounds. Use social media apps for creative development

10 things to avoid posting on social media – and why

Do you often take to social media to broadcast details from your life? Here’s why this habit may put your privacy and security at risk. Hundreds of millions of us log on to our favorite social media sites every day. We shop, share photos and news, like posts and comments, send private messages, and much … More 10 things to avoid posting on social media – and why

Over 2 billion records exposed by email marketing firm

The repository of email addresses and other records would offer a gold mine of data for scammers. Security researchers have discovered a humongous collection of email addresses and other data that was left sitting on the internet with no protection whatsoever. Bob Diachenko revealed late last week that he’d found an unsecured MongoDB server with more … More Over 2 billion records exposed by email marketing firm