ESET discovers targeted attack via fake messaging apps, available on web and Google Play

ESET researchers have discovered an active espionage campaign named eXotic Visit, targeting Android users with apps primarily posing as messaging services. While these apps offer functional services as bait, they are bundled with the open-source XploitSPY malware. ESET has named this campaign eXotic Visit and has tracked its activities from November 2021 through to the … More ESET discovers targeted attack via fake messaging apps, available on web and Google Play

Silent but deadly: The rise of zero-click attacks

A security compromise so stealthy that it doesn’t even require your interaction? Yes, zero-click attacks require no action from you – but this doesn’t mean you’re left vulnerable. In a world of instant communication and accelerated by the ever-spreading notion that if you are not connected or available, you might be the odd one out, … More Silent but deadly: The rise of zero-click attacks

What’s behind the record‑high number of zero days?

Organizations need to get better at mitigating threats from unknown vulnerabilities, especially as both state-backed operatives and financially-motivated cybercriminals are increasing their activity. Zero-day vulnerabilities have always had something of a special reputation in the cybersecurity space. These software bugs are exploited for attacks before the flaw is known to the software vendor and so before a … More What’s behind the record‑high number of zero days?

Log4Shell: ESET blocks hundreds of thousands of attack attempts

ESET has detected hundreds of thousands of attack attempts globally that track to the critical Log4Shell vulnerability. Most attack attempts are located in the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Netherlands, yet nearly 180 countries and territories are under fire largely due to the global prevalence of the Log4j software library in systems around … More Log4Shell: ESET blocks hundreds of thousands of attack attempts

What every business leader needs to know about Log4Shell

Hundreds of thousands of attempts to exploit the vulnerability are under way. In many cases, updating IT systems and patching security vulnerabilities is a quiet matter that business leaders may be little concerned with other than knowing that they have approved a budget for the IT team to get it done. That quiet approach is … More What every business leader needs to know about Log4Shell